MiniCCK is a plugin for com_content Joomla component, which allows adding random amount of different types of extra fields to a content.
Supported field types:
- Drop-down list
- Radio buttons
- Checkboxes
- String
- Text box
- Image
With it you can create extra tab on the article editing page, where you can enter or select the nesessary values in created by you fields. On the front-end extra fields output with the template above or below the main content.
To import content in com_content and additional fields MiniCCK there is a component of the import content.
Version History
1.0. The first version of plugin.
1.1. With this version of the plugin does not require kernel hack. Powered by a clean installation since Joomla 3.1.5. Ffront view made through the template. In setting the added option to select a template and places the output plugin (top or bottom of content).
1.2. Added content types. Made compatible with Joomla 3.2.
1.3. Added displaying on the blog category. Added output connection object minicck to main content object.
1.4. Templates of output fields. Overriding templates output fields in the template joomla. Overriding basic template plugin in the template joomla.
In /components/com_content/models/category.php after all the $ model->setState() and before starting the $model->getItems(); insert:
That is, add a trigger, which will be held on filtering.
2.1. Added override of the model category of content on a model with built-in hack. For this version hack is not required. You only need to override the model included in the plugin settings.