License agreement

LICENSE AND LIMITED WARRANTY This is a legally binding agreement . By installing and / or using this software , you agree to abide by the terms of this agreement.

If you do not agree to the terms of this agreement , do not use this software .

AS IS . You accept the software as is, in its current state , without any implied warranty or features.

GRANT OF LICENSE . You are granted a non-exclusive right to use this program (hereinafter " Software " ) in accordance with the conditions specified in this Agreement. You may use the Software on a single installation of Joomla!.

INSTALLATION . Software should only be installed on a publicly - accessible website . Domain name where the software is installed , must be provided for making your copy of the program .

Proprietary software . retains the copyright and ownership of the software.

COPIES. You can make as many copies of the software as you wish, as long as you ensure that the Software is used on only one website ( installing joomla). You may not distribute copies of the Software to others.

MODIFICATION . You can change the component source code only for your own use . The terms of this License Agreement in this case will not be violated. Resale of any modification is not allowed without written permission from

SOFTWARE TRANSFER . You can not transfer the Software to another person without the written permission from In any case, you may not transfer, assign , rent, sell , Software.

FINAL . This Agreement shall be valid during the entire use of the Software until interrupted. This Agreement will be interrupted automatically without notice from, if you are unable to perform any provision of this Agreement . After completion , you must destroy all copies of the Software , including modified copies , if any.

Exclusion of warranty . shall not be liable for any damages arising from any cause , even if reported possibility of such damages . in no event be liable for any losses greater than the price paid by you of the Software. Any warranties are limited in duration to 30 days after the date of payment of the Software.

PROPERTY. This software , including its code, documentation , distribution , structure - an exceptional product, which retains ownership of the Software and its copies and modifications .